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Ana Urgoiti

Contact Us


English, French, Spanish

Based in


Ana Urgoiti

Contact Us


English, French, Spanish

Based in

  • Project proposals
  • Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
  • Adult learning
  • Humanitarian Charter
  • Project cycle management
  • Livestock
  • Cash and vouchers
Types of training
  • Sphere technical training
  • Sphere presentations
  • Field-based training
  • Training content development
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Humanitarian workers
  • Mixed audience
  • Students
  • Government
  • Media

About Ana Urgoiti

Ana has a wide experience in the design, implementation and evaluation of training programmes. This includes a wide range of clients (NGOs, UN agencies, Red Cross Movement, Governments and private enterprises); contexts (Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe); and topics (cash transfer, M and E, gender, risk disaster management, Quality and Accountability, Project Cycle Management, etc), having led both workshops and training of trainers.


She has been involved in the development of many training material packages in the humanitarian sector. For instance, the Sphere Project, Disaster Risk Management for GRA, Disaster Risk Management for the French Red Cross, Livestock in Emergencies Guidelines (LEGS), Quality and Accountability and many different trainings at University level.


Her field experience in development and as a humanitarian action evaluator provides her with a clear understanding of the current issues in emergency response. She has also been involved in many different capacity building processes.


Regarding e-learning, her experience is:

– WFP: development of a basic course on cash and vouchers

– UNFPA: tutor on the “Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery” Course

– Action against Hunger:  design and coaching of the e-learning courses on the “Project Cycle Management Guidelines for Emergencies” –  under an ECHO Grant Facility

– Proyecto Kalu: development of some modules for the “On line Master’s in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid” (Proyecto Kalu http://proyectokalu.es/aula/ ): “Ethics in humanitarian work and in development cooperation” and “The international legal framework”.

– ECODE: team for the design of an interactive CDRom on “Project cycle management” for the Bask Country Government (http://www.ecode.es/gestionciclo/index.swf )

– IECAH: design of some sessions for training on line on evaluation

Events & Training




Tercera Conferencia Regional: 20 Años de la Filosofia Esfera, en la Region de America Latina y El Caribe, 19 August 2022

by Red Esfera Bolivia (Sphere Network Bolivia)
19 August 2022 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
19 August 2022
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Online, Presentation
Cochabamba, Bolivia, Cochabamba, Cercado 4740 Bolivia

La Tercera Conferencia Regional Esfera, ha sido promovido por la Primera Promoción de Esferianas y Esferianos formados el 2002 en...

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Sphere ToT, Bogor, Indonesia, Sep-Oct 2015

by Johanniter International Assistance
27 September 2015 - 2 October 2015
27 September 2015 - 2 October 2015
Face-to-Face, Training of Trainers (ToT)
Bogor, Indonesia, Bogor, Bogor Indonesia

The Johanniter launched a training strategy to develop capacities on the Sphere Project and Handbook among its partners in South...

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Sphere ToT, Haiti, Mar 2011

by Sphere , World Vision International
7 March 2011 - 11 March 2011
7 March 2011 - 11 March 2011
Face-to-Face, Training of Trainers (ToT)
Kaliko Beach, Côte des Arcadins, Haiti, Kaliko Beach
Kat-Kalen, Haiti

'Participants at the first ever training of trainers course in Haiti came from Port-au-Prince, Nippes, Cap Haitien and Jacmel,' says...

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Sphere ToT, Haiti, Feb-Mar 2011

by Sphere , World Vision International
28 February 2011 - 4 March 2011
28 February 2011 - 4 March 2011
Face-to-Face, Training of Trainers (ToT)
Kaliko Beach, Côte des Arcadins, Haiti, Kaliko Beach
Kat-Kalen, Haiti

'Participants at the first ever training of trainers course in Haiti came from Port-au-Prince, Nippes, Cap Haitien and Jacmel,' says...

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