ChengMingli have been engaged in disaster relief work in the humanitarian field since 2011 when he participated as a volunteer in Yushu earthquake reconstruction efforts. he have been deeply involved in all stages from the first rescue coordination to post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. Since participating in Sphere Training in 2013, he have been committed to Sphere training and promotion in mainland China. So far, nearly 30 training sessions have been organized and more than 1,100 trainees from more than 600 NGOs have been trained. he hope that through the promotion of Sphere and the combination of emergency management, the quality and sense of responsibility of Chinese NGOs in the humanitarian field will be effectively improved, thereby influencing the government and enterprises to achieve effective cooperation.
自 2011 年作为志愿者参与玉树地震重建工作以来,程明理一直从事人道主义领域的救灾工作。从第一时间的救援协调到灾后恢复重建的各个阶段,他都深入参与其中。自 2013 年参加环球培训以来,他一直致力于环球在中国大陆地区的培训和推广工作。到目前为止,已经组织了近30期培训,培训了来自600余家NGO的1100多名学员。他希望通过环球计划的推广和应急管理的结合,切实提高中国NGO在人道领域的素质和责任感,从而影响政府和企业,实现有效合作。