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Sphere and German Red Cross launch new training pack for urban contexts

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Using Sphere standards in urban contexts is a new training pack co-developed by Sphere and the German Red Cross. Download the training pack (currently in English only).

The pack contains comprehensive training materials to support a three-day online or in-person workshop. The course concludes with an original and exciting table-top exercise (TTX) where participants can put into practise what they have learned in a simulated scenario.

Here’s what participants in Albania, May 2023, said about their workshop:

“The TTX was an amazing opportunity to experience real world events, and for us to learn how to react in those situations.”

“I loved the group exercises that promoted learning and sharing experiences. The diversity of participants – from the Red Cross, civil protection, and of different nationalities – created a great group dynamic.”

“We discovered new methodologies, like ‘SPICE’, for understanding the urban context.”

“It’s really helpful to know the Sphere standards better, and how flexible they are. I can certainly use them in future work.”

The new course helps participants to 1) plan humanitarian action in urban contexts; 2) apply Sphere standards to urban contexts; 3) identify differences and similarities between humanitarian response in urban and other contexts; 4) apply a people-centred, rights-based approach to needs and capacities analyses; and 5) use various systems thinking[1] models to aid context analyses.

Day 1: Introduction to humanitarian response in urban contexts - Understand the challenges, opportunities and key considerations of operating in urban contexts; Day 2: Adapting and applying Sphere standards in urban areas - Understand how to apply Sphere in urban environments with emphasis on adaptation to context; Day 3: Sphere standards in urban response tabletop exercise (TTX) - Apply knowledge and appreciate complexity beyond the classroom through a simulation game.

Urban course structure diagram

The training pack may also be used for private study by those wishing to increase their knowledge of urban response and practical applications of Sphere standards.

If you would like to organise Using Sphere standards in urban contexts training for your staff, volunteers or partners, please contact learning@spherestandards.org.

A launch event for the urban training pack was held in July 2023.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_thinking