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Andy Hu
Andy Hu secretariat@taiwanaid.org


Taiwan AID is an NGO platform with the aim of strengthening transparency, efficiency and cooperation among Taiwan-based NGOs involved in international humanitarian aid with the value of humanity, equality, justice, and sustainable development.

The missions of Taiwan aid are to facilitate an interaction platform for international cooperation, such as seminars; facilitate capacity building to improve professional services; promote the concept of international development through public education; advocate and facilitate international development policies; establish principles, ethics and regulations of international development and assistance; and make other efforts in favor of international development.


Workplan 2023- Taiwan AID

Workplan might be outdated.

Events & Training

There are no events.


There are no resources.

Andy Hu
Andy Hu secretariat@taiwanaid.org


Taiwan AID is an NGO platform with the aim of strengthening transparency, efficiency and cooperation among Taiwan-based NGOs involved in international humanitarian aid with the value of humanity, equality, justice, and sustainable development.

The missions of Taiwan aid are to facilitate an interaction platform for international cooperation, such as seminars; facilitate capacity building to improve professional services; promote the concept of international development through public education; advocate and facilitate international development policies; establish principles, ethics and regulations of international development and assistance; and make other efforts in favor of international development.


Workplan 2023- Taiwan AID

Workplan might be outdated.

Events & Training

There are no events.


There are no resources.