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How to use the Sphere Handbook in Ukraine, online, 25 and 27 April 2023

25 أبريل 2023 - 27 أبريل 2023

8:00 صباحًا - 12:00 مساءً

Event Type: Public Event Category: Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Event Category:
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

In collaboration with RedR UK, Sphere is organizing an online training programme to provide an introduction to the Sphere Handbook to those working or volunteering in the Ukraine humanitarian crisis response. The course explains how people and organisations responding to humanitarian crises can use the handbook to improve both the quality of the assistance they provide and their accountability, particularly to those directly affected by the crisis.

Participants are required to take a 1h e-learning on How to use the Sphere Handbook (available on the Sphere website in English and Ukrainian from mid-April), before taking part in two x 2h facilitated sessions with a Sphere trainer, in small groups.

This training is part of Sphere’s Ukraine programme – more details here: https://spherestandards.org/ukraine-english/