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Nepal and Sphere standards: A localisation success story, online HNPW, 18 April 2023

18 أبريل 2023

4:00 مساءً - 5:00 مساءً

Event Type: Public Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

April 18, 2023


Lead Facilitator

Dr Raju Thapa
Join us online at HNPW (Humanitarian Networks Partnership Week) to find out more about how Sphere standards have been localised in Nepal.


Register and receive connection details here: https://bit.ly/hnpw-2023-nepal


DPNet has collaborated with government and non-governmental agencies to institutionalize and localize the Sphere Standards in Nepal.

We translated the Sphere handbook into Nepali, including other companion standards. We then conducted an extensive training program to raise awareness of the value of Sphere minimum standards among local people.

We utilized innovative communication techniques such as folk songs and dramas to increase awareness. Good coordination and networking skills are crucial to stakeholder engagement. Contextually specific innovative methods can be used to raise awareness, and collaboration with government actors is essential for effective disaster management.

As part of our efforts, we printed and distributed the Sphere Handbook to all 753 local government offices in Nepal and over 400 disaster risk reduction (DRR) trainers. We also collaborated with the government to include a module on Sphere Standard, in the MoFAGA Disaster Risk Management Localization Manual.

By 2022, this training program had reached over 19,500 staff of all 753 local Governments and sensitized them on Sphere Standard. This localization effort can be considered as a massive achievement in the history of the Sphere Standard.


DPNet is Sphere’s focal point in Nepal.



Registration Deadline

April 18, 2023


Lead Facilitator

Dr Raju Thapa