May 2, 2024
This event has passed. Watch the recording here:
Join us for an illuminating discussion on the effective use of humanitarian standards within diverse contexts, led by members of Sphere’s global community. Our panelists will share firsthand experiences and case studies showcasing the adaptation and implementation of Sphere standards, offering valuable insights into their practical application.
Gain insights into the importance of coordination between agencies, and the challenges in shelter responses following crises like the Syria-Türkiye earthquake. Explore topics such as community engagement and accountability practices in the humanitarian response on Lembata Island, Indonesia, and learn about the localization efforts and the implication of Sphere Standards in the wake of the 2023 West Nepal earthquake. Additionally, discover innovative approaches to rapid assessment systems in Japan and capacity-building efforts in Burkina Faso. Finally, our international panel of Sphere experts will be on hand to answer your questions, and allow us to share lessons learnt from across the globe
Please note that speaker Kadi Anebabou pre-recorded her intervention on Burkina Faso. Watch the recording here:
May 2, 2024