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Homs, Syria

Homs, Syrian Arab Republic
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This Venue is for events taking place in Homs for which the exact address is not specified.

The location shown on the map is a point close to the city centre and does not reflect the location of the event venue.

To discover the precise location, please contact the event organiser.

Events & Training

نوفمبر 2019



Sphere Training, Homs, Syria, Nov 2019

by Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC)
24 نوفمبر 2019 - 27 نوفمبر 2019
24 نوفمبر 2019 - 27 نوفمبر 2019
Face-to-Face, Workshop
Homs, Syria, Homs, Syrian Arab Republic

A training course on Sphere for volunteers in Homs: To complete the plans that raise the level of humanitarian services…

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مارس 2020



Sphere workshop, Homs, Syria, March 2020

by Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC)
7 مارس 2020 - 10 مارس 2020
7 مارس 2020 - 10 مارس 2020
Face-to-Face, Workshop
Homs, Syria, Homs, Syrian Arab Republic

A training course on the Sphere guide in Homs In order to improve the quality of humanitarian aid provided to…

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أبريل 2020



Sphere workshop, Homs, Syria, Apr 2020

by JCI Syria
2 أبريل 2020 - 3 أبريل 2020
2 أبريل 2020 - 3 أبريل 2020
Online, Workshop
Homs, Syria, Homs, Syrian Arab Republic

JCI Homs held an online training in its individual area with the title "Humanitarian pact and minimum standards of humanitarian…

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Sphere workshop, Homs, Syria, April 2020

by Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC)
4 أبريل 2020 - 8 أبريل 2020
4 أبريل 2020 - 8 أبريل 2020
Online, Workshop
Homs, Syria, Homs, Syrian Arab Republic

Online training course on the Sphere for volunteers in Homs As part of the continuous plans to enhance volunteer skills,…

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Sphere workshop, Homs, Syria, Apr 2020 (#2)

by JCI Syria
16 أبريل 2020 - 17 أبريل 2020
16 أبريل 2020 - 17 أبريل 2020
Online, Workshop
Homs, Syria, Homs, Syrian Arab Republic

JCI Wadi had an online workshop called (The Humanitarian Charter and minimum standards for crisis response - Sphere) during the…

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يناير 2021



Specialist Sphere training (Shelter focus), SSCC, Homs, Syria, Jan-Feb 2021

by Congrégation des Soeurs des Saints Coeurs de Jésus et de Marie (SSCC)
22 يناير 2021 - 12 فبراير 2021
22 يناير 2021 - 12 فبراير 2021
Face-to-Face, Workshop
Homs, Syria, Homs, Syrian Arab Republic

Sphere training was conducted specialized in: Monasticism of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary with a focus on shelter…

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فبراير 2023



Sphere Training, 15-16 February, online, Homs, Syria

by JCI Syria
15 فبراير 2023 - 16 فبراير 2023
15 فبراير 2023 - 16 فبراير 2023
Online, Workshop
Homs, Syria, Homs, Syrian Arab Republic

As part of the emergency response campaign "For Syria" launched by Junior Chamber International Syria, Junior Chamber International Homs is…

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