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Mohammed Yimer Ali

Plan International Ethiopia
Contact Us



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Mohammed Yimer Ali

Plan International Ethiopia
Contact Us



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Types of training
  • Sphere technical training
  • Sphere presentations
  • Field-based training
  • Training content development
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Humanitarian workers
  • Mixed audience
  • Government

About Mohammed Yimer Ali

I am currently working as an emergency nutrition specialist for Plan International Ethiopia. I have over 15 years of multiple work experience in the areas of health, nutrition/food security, cross cutting themes and WASH.

I have diverse educational backgrounds: MBA; Bachelor of science degree in Nursing; Bachelor of science degree in Public Administration & Development Management. I have also attended various skill-based trainings, including the Sphere Project Approach, Project Development & Management in the NGO Sector, SMART Assessments Methodology for Nutrition & Food Security, MNCH Services, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care & Support, Community Mobilization & Capacity Building activities and Logistics Management.

Ingeneral,  I have gained Sphere experience by practicing it in the field and also working as lead trainer as well as as co-facilitaor since 2011, and therefore, I am best suited Sphere trainer who can contribute a lot in advocating for practical application of the Sphere.

Events & Training



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