Maher holds a master degree in agricultural engineering and has been working in the humanitarian sector for more than ten years. He is an active member of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent responding to the crisis in Syria since it’s onset and played several roles with different teams such as relief,shelter and health. This included cross lines missions and humanitarian convoys. Maher is a Sphere trainer since 2015 and disaster management trainer since 2016 Maher participated in the recent LEGS ToT In Johannesburg. He has facilitated many training courses and workshops in Syria and co-facilitated a Sphere ToT in Beirut, Lebanon in 2017.
Sphere Contractor badge: Maher was contracted by the Sphere secretariat to co-facilitate a Quality and Accountability (Q&A) ToT in Q4 2019 which was co-organised by Sphere, the CHS Alliance, OCHA and IOM.