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Showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Water in the Humanitarian Response, March 2021
    Portuguese 2021
    Sphere’s focal point in Brazil, the Fraternidade-Federação Humanitária Internacional (FFHI), is active in several shelters in Roraima state hosting migrants escaping dire economic conditions in neighbouring Venezuela. While sourcing a sufficient quantity of safe water to meet their drinking and domestic needs (Water supply standard 2.1) may be easier in this urban setting than in a desert, it is not without its challenges. Read the full article in Spanish, English or Portuguese.
  • Sphere COVID-19 Case studies (ZIP)
    English 2.21 MB zip 2021

    By Various

  • Sphere COVID-19 Case Study #6 – Engaging with migrants during quarantine – Lessons from Peru
    English 250.18 KB pdf 2020
    Border closures, travel restrictions and quarantine during the COVID-19 crisis has prevented humanitarian agencies from reaching many people who need support. A WhatsApp business line was successfully piloted by the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) in Peru to facilitate remote community engagement. How can we listen and answer to communities when we cannot be physically close to them? How can commitments on community engagement, participation and feedback in Sphere standards be fulfilled under quarantine conditions?
  • Sphere COVID-19 Case Study #1 Community led response in Indonesia
    English 222.06 KB pdf 2020
    Community-led responses and community contributions are key in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Such responses harness local capacity when outside support is unavailable. They ensure that responses are inclusive, reinforce the dignity of the people and use the skills and capacities of community members. This also meets the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS), which applies to every response.
  • Sphere COVID-19 Case Study #7 – Human mobility and COVID-19 – Lessons from South America
    English 189.64 KB pdf 2020
    Globally, there are more than 25 million refugees, 84% of whom are being hosted by low or middle-income nations with weak health systems. This condition of mobility challenges the way humanitarian agencies work. The fundamental drivers of migration will not disappear anytime soon. Examples from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela point to some of the adjustments that are required.
  • Sphere COVID-19 Case Study #2 - From Ebola to COVID-19 - Lessons from DRC
    English 354.63 KB pdf 2020
    A community-centred approach by humanitarian actors is critical to reducing the spread of infectious diseases. It builds trust between service providers and those affected. This enables interventions to be co-owned by the affected communities and therefore more contextually appropriate, relevant and effective. Numerous lessons from the Ebola response in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have been successfully applied in the response to COVID-19. The need for trust and co-ownership is particularly critical in such a complex operating environment, characterised by displacement, inequity and widening social division.
  • Sphere COVID-19 Case Study #8 – Palliative care and COVID-19 – Challenges for the humanitarian sector
    English 183.79 KB pdf 2020
    Many people have suffered serious illness or died of COVID-19, isolated from loved ones, a situation that runs counter to the ethical belief that people have the right to a dignified death. Palliative care – the prevention and relief of suffering and distress associated with life-limiting illness – is slowly gaining recognition as an important part of the healthcare continuum, alongside life-saving treatment in humanitarian response. A new Sphere standard now includes palliative care. The current pandemic is providing an opportunity to put palliative care on the humanitarian agenda. It's time for all humanitarian actors to document, share and learn from their stories of caring for people affected by COVID-19.
  • Sphere COVID-19 Case Study #3 - Leaving no one behind - inclusion in COVID-19 responses in South Asia
    English 542.17 KB pdf 2020
    There are tools from the humanitarian sector that can directly support responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sphere standards define the minimum response all crisis-affected people have a right to expect. People are affected in different ways and some may be stigmatised. Responses in South Asia show how to include everyone, respond to their different needs and respect their dignity.
  • Sphere COVID-19 Case Study #9 – Palliative care and COVID-19 – Lessons from refugee camps in Bangladesh
    English 246.65 KB pdf 2020
    Globally, there are more than 20 million refugees, most of whom are being hosted by nations with weak health systems. This example from Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh shows how palliative care has been prioritised and integrated into the healthcare response even when resources have been scarce. How can the humanitarian standard on palliative care be applied in the context of a refugee camp during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Sphere COVID-19 Case Study #4 – COVID-19 in Complex Emergencies – Do No Harm
    English 198.41 KB pdf 2020
    The COVID-19 lockdown and isolation measures aim to protect people from transmission of the disease Yet, they have devastating consequences on people’s livelihoods, especially in the context of complex emergencies where governance is fragile, health systems are weak and populations displaced. Humanitarian standards demand that we ensure the people we support are not negatively affected. This requires consultation with affected communities, adaptation and constant monitoring of interventions.