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Dijana Muzička

Contact Us


Inglés, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian

Based in

Bosnia y Herzegovina

Dijana Muzička

Contact Us


Inglés, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian

Based in

Bosnia y Herzegovina
  • Reducción del riesgo de desastres
  • Educación
  • Coordinación y gestión de campamentos
  • Educación de adultos
  • Alojamiento y asentamiento
  • Principios de Protección
  • La Carta Humanitaria
  • Migration and actions toward support to migrants
  • refugees and asylum seekers
Types of training
  • Capacitación técnica Esfera
  • Simulaciones: escritorio/aula
  • Formación de Capacitadores (FdC)
  • Webinarios
  • Disaster risk reduction trainings
  • Trabajadores humanitarios
  • Público mixto
  • Voluntarios
  • Participants with different profiles

About Dijana Muzička

I have been involved in Sphere standards since 2007, first as a trainee and then building my capacity in different trainings to be more familiar with Sphere standards.

I am currently a Sphere trainer, as well as country focal point for Sphere standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I participated in the translation of the 2011 Sphere handbook into Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian, and I have delivered Sphere workshops in Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian and English.

Events & Training




Sphere Standards, Training of Trainers (TOT) with DPPI-SEE, Albania, 13-17 June 2022


by Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe (DPPI SEE) , Sphere
13 junio 2022 - 17 junio 2022 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
13 junio 2022 - 17 junio 2022
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South-Eastern Europe Sphere Training of Trainers took place in Tirana 13-17 July. Participants came...

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Sphere course for DPPI member states, Nov/Dec 2020, Online


by Sphere , Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe (DPPI SEE)
10 noviembre 2020 - 8 diciembre 2020 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
10 noviembre 2020 - 8 diciembre 2020
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Online, Course

This is the third of three planned 'pre-ToT' workshops/courses as part of a Training of Trainers (ToT) programme which will...

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Sphere course for DPPI member states, Sep 2020, Online


by Sphere , Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe (DPPI SEE)
1 septiembre 2020 - 29 septiembre 2020
1 septiembre 2020 - 29 septiembre 2020
Online, Course

This is the second of three planned 'pre-ToT' workshops/courses as part of an 18-month Training of Trainers (ToT) programme which...

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Sphere course for DPPI member states, Jun – Jul 2020, Online


by Sphere , Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe (DPPI SEE)
30 junio 2020 - 21 julio 2020
30 junio 2020 - 21 julio 2020
Online, Course

Originally planned as a 3-day in-person event in Tirana in March 2020, this event was reformulated as a 4-week online...

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