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Showing 1 - 10 of 52
  • Unlocking the Power of Sphere Standards: A Comprehensive Introduction for Practitioners
    English 7.96 MB pptx 2024
    Discovering Sphere Standards: A Dynamic PowerPoint Presentation for IDHA Graduates These engaging PowerPoint slides were thoroughly crafted and presented to the Graduates of the International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance (IDHA), aiming to introduce them to the Sphere Standards and their practical application. The presentation includes a concise overview of the history and significance of Sphere, supplemented by a link to an introductory video for deeper understanding. Furthermore, participants are guided through the structure of the standards, empowering them with actionable insights. To reinforce learning, a short hands-on exercise prompts participants to design a hygiene kit, fostering practical application of the concepts discussed. Feedback from participants underscores the session's effectiveness in unlocking the potential of Sphere Standards for humanitarian practitioners.
  • 2h Introduction to Sphere workshop for students
    English 6.49 MB pptx 2024
    An interactive online workshop for students to introduce them to Sphere humanitarian principles and standards. PowerPoint presentation includes notes for lecturers and trainers.  
  • Kartu Aktivitas Buku Panduan Sphere – Versi Bahasa Indonesia
    Indonesian 42.55 MB pdf 2024
    Kartu Aktivitas Buku Pegangan Sphere mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pelatihan dan lokakarya terkait Sphere. Setiap kartu mewakili elemen dari, atau terkait dengan, Buku Panduan Sphere seperti standar, komitmen, kegiatan siklus program, mitra atau tema. Saat ini kartu aktivitas tersedia dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia. Jika Anda ingin membuat versi terjemahan/lokal, silahkan hubungi Kantor Sphere.
  • Sphere Training Package 2018 edition - Indonesian
    Indonesian 2024
    The Sphere Training Package (2018 edition) is designed for facilitators of in-person courses and workshops, and it is also useful for private study. It contains five days’ worth of materials, and its modular nature means it can be used in its entirety, reformulated for shorter workshops, or injected into broader initiatives such as humanitarian degree programmes.

    Download the Indonesian version here: https://s.id/sphere_id

    This resource is available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and Indonesian. In addition, there is a contextualised version for those responding to the Syria crisis (Arabic only) here.
  • Путівник 2023 для 2 x 2-годинних онлайн-семінарів по Посібнику Сфери
    Ukrainian 2.95 MB zip 2023

    By Sphere

    Цей пакет містить посібники для фасилітації 2х2-годинних онлайн-семінарів, які супроводжують самостійний онлайн-курс «Як користуватися Посібником Сфери».

    Путівник доступний українською та англійською мовами.

    This resource is available in Ukrainian and English. The English version of this training pack is included in the Sphere Short Workshop Pack 2023.
  • Using Sphere standards in urban contexts - training package
    English 54.62 MB zip 2023
    This training package is designed for trainers to guide them through delivery of a 3-day workshop. The training package may also be used for private study.

    By the end of the workshop, participants should have increased their understanding of how to: plan humanitarian action in urban contexts; apply Sphere standards to urban contexts; identify differences and similarities between humanitarian response in urban and other contexts; apply a people-centred, rights-based approach to needs and capacities analyses; and apply systems thinking to context analyses.

    This package is currently available in English only.
  • Sphere Short Workshop Pack 2023
    English 51.92 MB zip 2023

    By Sphere

    The Short Workshop Pack contains facilitation guides for various Sphere workshops: 2-hours, half-day, 1-day and 3-day in-person workshops; and 1x3-hour and 2x2-hours guides for online workshops to accompany the How to Use the Sphere Handbook self-paced online course.

    This pack includes Shelter scenario-based activities developed in response to the conflict in Ukraine, which can be easily adapted to other contexts. We recommend that users of this pack also download the full Sphere Training Pack, which contains facilitation materials for at least 5 days of Sphere training.

    These guides are mostly available in English only. The 2x2-hours online guide is also available in Ukrainian.
  • Sphere online training package (English)
    Spanish 56.41 MB zip 2022
    The Sphere online training package includes materials and guidance for facilitating over 25 interactive online learning activities. It also contains guidance on how to run effective online Sphere workshops and courses, including pre-training preparations and post-training actions.

    This training package is designed for Sphere trainers by Sphere trainers.

    It is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
  • Sphere NDMA training guide
    Spanish 896.11 KB pdf 2022
    This training guide is designed for Sphere trainers and focal points to support them when facilitating Sphere training for managerial and operational personnel of National Disaster Management Authorities (NDMAs). This guide is available in English, French and Arabic. A complete NDMA training pack is available in Spanish only, which includes a detailed guide for trainers and supporting materials including PowerPoint slides, whiteboard templates, polls, and handouts for practical exercises. Three alternative sessions plans are suggested.
  • The Sphere Challenge (training activity guide)
    English 1.66 MB pdf 2021
    The main objective of this activity is for participants to reinforce their familiarity with the structure and content of the Sphere handbook. The activity is a quiz where the course participants work in teams to devise questions for each other.